Oct 1, 2010

Is it the Ayodhya – Where Ram "Born"?

          Ayodhya – There is no description needed.  You can understand what we are going to discuss.    The only one word which kept the expectation high is Ayodhya (It is not cricket now).  

          When talking about Ayodhya, Valmiki Ramayan shares something information about the river ‘Sarayu’.  It is said by Valmiki that Sarayu was One and a half Yojan distance from Ayodhya.  One and a half Yogan distance is approximately 23 k.m. as per today’s calculations. 
          If you go to Ayodhya, you can see the river in Ayodhya and not 23 k.m. away from Ayodhya.   This is one of the evidences that the mentioned Ayodhya and Sarayu are different from the current city and river. 
          One more important thing is river Sarayu ends with the river Ganges.  This is in accordance with Valmiki Ramayan.  The present river Sarayu goes and ends in the river Rapthi not Ganges.  The third point based on Valmiki is Sarayu flows from east to west but the present is quite opposite.  
          One of the research scholars who researched Ayodhya is Shersingh.    He found one amicable point.  There is one more Ayodhya in Nepal in which all the points mentioned above from Valmiki are true.
Was there Ramar Temple in Ayodhya?
          Sangh Parivar said that Ramar temple which was built by King Vikramaditya was demolished by Babar in the year 1528 A.D.  Vikramaditya is not a person’s name.  It is a common name like Pandya, Chozha, Kakatiya or Saluvahana.  Guptha Kings are commonly known as Vikramaditya.  The period of Guptha dynasty in Uttar Pradesh is from 300 A.D. to 1100 A.D.   B.B. Lal, the then President of Archaelogical Society Of India mentioned that there was no temple (even a building ) there in Ayodhya which is published in the Magazine THE WEEK dated 25.02.1990.   S.S. Iyer has written a book on ‘Indian temples,  Archeology and Historical points’.  We can come to know that there were five temples built by Vikramaditya.  Among those five, Ayodhya was not mentioned in those list.
          One more strong evidence is Rama was not considered as a God till 11th Century.  The book ‘Amar Kosha’ written by Amar Sinha in 6th Century A.D.  talks about the Gods till that century.  There was no line mentioned about Rama in that list.  Lakshmi Dhar, one of the guys researched about the pilgrimages in India till 11th Century.  Ayodhya was not in the list given by him. 

          Mr. Sarvapalli Gopal, who was a well known research scholar and the son of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, India’s first Vice President, has agreed that there were no temple for Ram till 1750 A.D. in any part of India.  All the temples for Ram are belonging to 18th Century.  If these words from the research scholar are well researched and published in one of his notorious essays, then How come Babar can demolish Ram temple in 16th Century? 
          Is it believable that Babar who advised his son not to eat beef as Cow was considered as Holy animal by majority Hindu people here, demolished a temple? 

தமிழில் படிக்க விரும்புபவர்கள் மேற்கண்ட இணையதளத்திற்கு செல்லவும். 

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